The annual ski trip took us north to Mount Snow Vermont. As usual we rented a huge house with tons of immenities and all the creature comforts one seeks away from home. Due to me being ill this year, I opted not to ski.. and therefor there is limited photos this year. Emma and Sydney (the 6 year olds) took to the mountain as if no time has passed. Skiing like old pros. Im told Emma has excellent control, and can from big or lil s's on command. That MY girl! We also added a new adventure to this years agenda.. Snow Mobiling!! We took a back woods, guided two hour tour and it was one of the most beautiful sceneries I have ever beheld. Pine trees thickly weighted down with snow, which continued to fall the entire ride. We also had super adventure, which was a lil hairball even for me. We rode at full throttle for about 15 minutes across a frozen lake!! Talk about sketchy. Above the roar of the engines, all I could hear was my twin sister Tami screaming. Scary part is, her eyes were closed and she was the one driving behind me!!! Too funny. All an all, it was an amazing trip and I am already looking forward to next year!
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